Sunday, December 31, 2017

Gemini (20 May – 20 June)

Gemini Prediction 2018

Mentally strong, Geminians are perfect in communication and perfect in knowing the feelings of others easily. Fond of learning, they are found be the most curious persons. In spite of active and learned mind they appear to be restless and impatient. They seek true love in their life. Support and care of some closed one may keep their life meaningful. Their charming personality can be more effective only when they remain calm and composed. Venus and Saturn are other important planets for Gemini born.

Here are general predictions for Gemini born for 2018 based up on the Moon Sign and the transit of other planets during the year. Specific predictions depend upon the placement and strength of planets present in the natal chart of an individual. Mahadasha and Antardasha period of particular planet in the chart also decide important events, bad or good,  in this time frame.  These predictions will work as guidance for the natives born with Gemini as their Moon Sign including recommendations, precautions and few remedies to be taken in case you are running adverse time during the year 2018.

At the beginning of year 2018, Jupiter will be transiting in the fifth house in Libra. Jupiter will move to next house on 11th October 2018. Saturn will be transiting in seventh house in Sagittarius sign throughout the year.  Rahu and Ketu will transit your second and eighth house in Cancer and Capricorn giving adverse results.

Family Life Horoscope 2018 for Gemini born
Beginning of the year indicates smooth sailing for the matters related to family life except for the month of April and May 2018. You may be generally satisfied with your family life.  Cooperation of children and relatives will keep you satisfied which you have been waiting for long. You may also enjoy some auspicious ceremony at home.

But period from mid of October 2018 onward may create some misunderstandings. During this period, hot arguments with family members will create divergence which may keep you tensed. Relatives may not prove to be helpful. You may face some false allegations which may even result in litigation. Opponents will be active and will be busy in creating obstructions. You may remain irritate. Be careful while developing friendship with superfluous persons during the period from mid of October till end of the year. 

Married life Horoscope 2018 for Gemini born
In the beginning of the year, love will be in air for those who are born with Gemini as their Moon Sign. Relations with spouse will be generally charming. But as the year will advance some misunderstanding in the relations will start getting developed. Hot, unnecessary arguments and ego will destroy the sweetness of the relations. This is the time when you need to handle the situation with utmost care and attention. Health of spouse may also be the cause of concern. Evil persons and relative will try to take advantage of situation. Also be aware and avoid any extra marital affair which will only exaggerate the circumstances to worst.

Love Life Horoscope 2018 for Gemini born
Generally this is a good period for Gemini born to enjoy their love life. Beginning of the year should be considered more positive. Some bitterness in the relations may develop due to hot and unnecessary arguments during the month of April and May 2018. Marriage proposal may get delayed or denied.

Professional or Business Horoscope 2018 for Gemini born
Beginning of the year will show positive results for your professional life. There is possibility to get the promotion if the same is due.  There is also possibility to get higher position. Seniors and subordinates will be happy with you. Friend circle will also be helpful. But situation may turn unfavorable after September 2018 and you need to be careful of the tactics of the opponents at your workplace. They may try to defame you.

Money Matter Horoscope 2018 for Gemini born
Expenses may remain high in the month of April to June 2018. This period is not favorable for financial position. You may also suffer from loss of money due to theft or on account of medical bills. This is also not a good month for raising loan. You may develop inclination towards gambling to earn quick money. Failures in your efforts may keep you tensed.

Health Horoscope 2018 for Gemini
Sleep disorders may develop during the month of April to September 2018. You may also suffer from body pain, fatigue and urinary problems this year. You need to be careful while walking or crossing the road as period after mid half of the year is not favorable in this regard and may cause injury. Health of spouse may also be the cause of concern.

Education Horoscope 2018 for Gemini born  
This is the time when you will get the reward of your hard work.  Those who are appearing in competitive examination will also find this year favorable.

Saturn (transit) effect on Moon Sign Gemini:
Saturn transit may not give positive results for the married life. Misunderstanding and ego may spoil the situation to the extent of separation or even in divorce particularly during the month of March and April. Keep on performing the remedies of Saturn. Some of you may get the opportunity to go abroad.

Lucky Gem

You should worship Lord Ganesha daily and serve cows with green fodder on Wednesday.

Precautions: You need to shed your ego to maintain family relations smooth.

Taurus (19 January – 18 February)

Taurus Prediction 2018

Taureans are daring and fond of art. They are straight forward and like adventurous deeds in life.  Fond of opposite sex, they wish to lead a life full of comforts. Other fields of interests may be gardening, sport and connecting with others. Though it is not easy to understand their mind, yet others may like to seek advice from them due to their honest approach. Strength of Venus will decide the more positive results in life. Mercury also plays important role in the lives of such persons.

Here are general predictions for Taurus born for 2018 based up on the Moon Sign and the transit of other planets during the year. Specific predictions depend upon the placement and strength of planets present in the natal chart of an individual. Mahadasha and Antardasha period of particular planet in the chart also decide important events, bad or good, in this time frame. These predictions will work as guidance for the natives born with Taurus as their Moon Sign including recommendations, precautions and few remedies to be taken in case you are running adverse time during the year 2018.

At the beginning of year 2018, Jupiter will be transiting in the sixth house in Libra and move to the next sign of Scorpio on 11th October 2018. Saturn will be transiting in eighth house in Sagittarius during the year.  Rahu and Ketu will also be transiting in third and ninth house in Cancer and Capricorn Signs respectively.

Family Life Horoscope 2018 for Taurus born
Though transit of Venus will generally give positive results most of the time during the year but transit of Jupiter and Saturn may not allow you to reap the good results due to their transit in adverse houses. Beginning two months of 2018 may create problems due to misunderstanding in relations amongst family members. Friend circle may also not be supportive.  Some auspicious ceremony at home is likely to take place during last month of the year. You will also feel satisfied with the positive developments in your family during the month of November and December. You need to take care of the health of mother from October to December 2018.  Health of children may also be cause of concern during this period.

Married life Horoscope 2018 for Taurus born
Beginning of the year may bring some undesirable circumstances causing confusion in the relations with the spouse. There may be fights and hot arguments. You should take care of the situation particularly during March and April 2018 and avoid such circumstances that may even cause separation. This period cannot be considered a good time for married life. Health of spouse will also be the cause of concern during this period. However, situation may change positive during the month of October to December 2018.

Love Life Horoscope 2018 for Taurus born
This may also not a favorable period for lovers. Though there may be positive changes during last months of the year, yet you may not be totally satisfied with the developments. Those who are willing to marry will get opportunity in the month of November and December but still some obstructions are seen. Success in this regard depends on the strength of seventh house of the natal chart.

Professional or Business Horoscope 2018 for Taurus born
This year may not be considered to give favorable results most of the time for the professional life. You may find everything normal in the beginning but soon adverse atmosphere may make you worried. Your hot temperament and non-cooperative attitude of colleagues at workplace will make the situation more aggressive. Opponents will try their level best to create obstructions. Months of March and April 2018 may prove to be nastiest in this regard. Some of you may be forced to quit the job. You need to control the situation by your own efforts, wit and hard work.  There may be transfer at your workplace or you may be thinking of changing the job.

Businessmen may also find problem in growth of their business. Heavy investment for expansion of business should generally be avoided. Some favorable results can be expected during the last month. The results of business may be usual. Opponents will be active.

Money Matter Horoscope 2018 for Taurus born
First quarter of the year may not be considered favorable for the matters related to finance particularly during the month of March 2018.  You may be worried about the excessive and unnecessary expenditures. Medical bills may also rise. The monetary position will start improving after that and you will be in a sound position and will be able to regain your financial status back through your own efforts and planning.

Health Horoscope 2018 for Taurus born
Health may be an issue right from the start of the year.  Digestive system, urinary problems or diseases related to the lower part of the body should be taken care of. You need to take care of the health of spouse too. Higher expenditure may keep you annoyed causing unrest and insomnia. Months of March and April may also be responsible for some accident. Those who are suffering from heart or blood pressure related problems should be careful during last month of the year.

Education Horoscope 2018 for Taurus born
This year will give average results for the students. Better results can be expected from September 2018 onward. This is also a good period for those who are appearing in competitive examinations this year. Those who are seeking higher education will also find the month of September 2018 more supportive. 

Saturn (transit) effect on Moon Sign Taurus:
This year you may also face problems related to Saturn during its minor period (Dhaiyya) which has started this year. Lord of ninth and tenth house Saturn in eighth house cannot be considered favorable at all. You may face obstructions and difficulties in every field of life including profession life. Your near and dear one may also oppose you and may not stand with you at the time of need. Hard work may not give desirable results.  Relations with the business partners may not be cordial till first quarter of the year. You may suffer from some unknown fear and tension during this period. Keep on performing the remedies of Saturn to lessen its effect.

Lucky Gem
Opal or Diamond

You should worship Lord Krishna daily and also keep a white-colored handkerchief in your pocket. Feed cows occasionally.

Precautions: Your health as well health of spouse may be cause of concern You need to careful in this regard.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Aries Prediction 2018

Aries born believe in action. They are found to be learned, quick in action and optimistic even in hard days. They are full of energy with fighting spirit accepting the challenges in life. They prefer to remain independent and do not like to be dictated by others. Friend circle may be wide and helpful. They may get more benefits from friend circle if they are honest in the relations. More positive or negative results can be evaluated after considering the placement and strength of Mars and other planets like Sun and Jupiter in the chart.
Here are general predictions for Arians for 2018 based up on the Moon Sign and the transit of other planets during the year. Specific predictions depend upon the placement and strength of planets present in the natal chart of an individual. Mahadasha and Antardasha period of particular planet in the chart also decide important events, bad or good, in this time frame. These predictions will work as guidance for the natives born with Aries as their Moon Sign including recommendations, precautions and few remedies to be taken in case you are running adverse time during the year 2018.

At the beginning of year 2018, Jupiter will be transiting in the seventh house in Libra. Jupiter will move to negative eighth house on 11th October 2018. Saturn will be transiting in ninth house throughout the year in Sagittarius Sign.  Rahu and Ketu will also be transiting in fourth and tenth houses respectively in Cancer and Capricorn Signs. Family Life Horoscope 2018 for Aries born
Family life appears to be satisfactory during the year. Period from mid of January 2018 to mid of March 2018 may create some misunderstanding amongst the family members. You should avoid hot arguments with your family members to keep the relations smooth. Month of December 2018 may also prove to be worrying. In other months and most of the time during the year, family members will have better understanding. Children will be helpful and supportive but you have to be cautious about health of children during March-April 2018 and November 2018. You can also expect some auspicious ceremony at home or religious observance during this year up to October 2018.

Most of the time, you will enjoy the company of your friends and relatives. You will become more religious and will show interest in activities related to beliefs.

Married life Horoscope 2018 for Aries born
Married life will be generally good most of the time during the year. Months of November and December 2018 may prove to be problematic for married life where some misunderstanding may surface in the relations. You may feel strained and confused in the relations. Avoid any hot and unnecessary arguments with spouse or beloved particularly during these months to keep the relationship to work smoothly.  Health may also be an issue during these two months.

Love Life Horoscope 2018 for Aries born
This year is also favorable for lovers. Willing lovers may get the chances to convert their love in to marriage. Time up to September 2018 will prove to be auspicious for this purpose. Marriage proposal, if any, may get materialized with the support of the elders of the family.

Professional or Business Horoscope 2018 for Aries born
Period of Ashtam Shani is over now and you may be feeling some relief for the matters related to profession. You may start getting temporary relief in your professional life. But some issues may be the cause of concern during starting month of the year which will improve during coming months and will keep you optimistic and energetic. You will get cooperation from your colleagues and seniors. Those who are in business will generally get favorable results except during the month of October to December 2018.

Money Matter Horoscope 2018 for Aries born
Beginning two months of the year cannot be considered favorable for financial matters. You may plan to borrow some loan due to unstable financial position. You may also remain restless on account of heavy and unnecessary expenditures.  In spite of this position, you will manage to control you financial problem gradually by virtue of hard work.  Speculation or investing in stocks is not advised during the month of March-April and November 2018.

Health Horoscope 2018 for Aries born
You need to control your temperament during the beginning and last month of the year which may result in restlessness and insomnia. Opponents may be active again and they will try to create obstructions. Impatience may also cause problems related to digestive system. You may also face some urinary problem during these months. Some skin problem may be the cause of worry in September 2018. Meditation will prove to be helpful. You may also plan some pilgrimage during this year. Take care of the health of father during the year.

Education Horoscope 2018 for Aries born
Months of March and November 2018 may not allow you to concentrate on your studies. Otherwise entire year is good for education. To utilize this time, you are advised to work harder. Month of September 2018 may prove to be favorable for those who are appearing in competitive examinations.   

Saturn (transit) effect on Moon Sign Aries:
Saturn transit in ninth house indicates the time of minor period of Saturn is over now.  You may expect some relief and favorable results.

Lucky Gem
Red Coral

1. Visit and worship Lord Hanuman.

2. In case of problems keep fast on Tuesday and offer some Bengal gram (chana) and banana to monkeys on every Tuesday.

3. Keep a red colored handkerchief in your pocket. Serve Brahmins and elders.

Precautions: Avoid any hot and unnecessary arguments with anyone.

astrology predictions for 2018

Yearly predictions of a particular Sign are the transit movement of various planets during one year. In Vedic Astrology, Moon play very important role in predicting the future events. In Western Astrology, monthly or yearly predictions are based on Sun Sign. Here predictions of each Sign for the year 2018 are based on the Moon Sign. In any case, if Moon Sign is not available, the predictions should be read by the first vowel of the name by which native is known. These vowels are given in each Rashi Sign below. However, strength and degree, placement and Dasha period of a planet in a chart should also be taken into account as these factors may amplify or lessen the results.

During year 2018, Sun will start its transit from Capricorn Sign on 14th January 2018 and will keep on changing its sign after every one month.

Mars will start its transit from Scorpio Sign on 17th January 2018 and will complete its transit in Pisces on 23rd December 2018.

Mercury will start its journey in 2018 from Sagittarius Sign on 06th January 2018 and after going through various signs Mercury will enter Scorpio Sign on 26th Oct 2018 at the end of the year.

Jupiter will be transiting in Libra Sign in the beginning of the year and will move to next house on 11th October 2018.

Similarly, in the beginning of the year Venus will enter in Capricorn Sign on 13th January 2018 and at the end of the year Venus will be entering Libra Sign on 1st September 2018.

Saturn will be transiting in Sagittarius sign most of the time during year. Rahu will be moving in Cancer Sign throughout the year.

Ketu will be moving in Capricorn Sign throughout the year. Saturn is finally entering in Sagittarius on 26th October 2017.

A fear enters our mind when we think of Saturn. To some extent, this is true as Saturn behaves like a teacher who is strict in maintaining discipline – who punishes as well as rewards the students as per their performances, deeds and behavior. Like a judge he is also known to give justice according to deeds of the persons. Saturn has an eye on the deeds and conduct of every person and he waits for a particular period to give the results of the same. These periods are popularly known as the period of Saturn like Major period of Saturn (Shani Mahadasha), Minor period of Saturn (Shani Antardasha), Seven and a half year period of Saturn (Sadhe Sati) and Two and a half period of Saturn (Kantak Shani). No one can escape, how great he may be, during these periods if he had performed bad karmas in life. These periods offer an opportunity to the native to balance his sins to make him more pure and pious.

Saturn is a huge and powerful planet in Astrology and is considered to give adverse results. But when placed in beneficial signs and houses, he bestows a person with great wealth and fame. In adverse conditions, this planet gives loss, sorrows, poverty, miseries, accidents and hurdles in life. The native has to work harder with little results.

Those who are born with Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn as their Moon Sign will be under influence of Sadhe Sati.

Those who are born with Taurus and Virgo as their Moon Sign will bear the impact of Kantak Shani. However, the power and placement of the Saturn in natal chart should be taken in to consideration which may amplify or reduce the effect of this Saturn transit.

In the year 2017, Saturn had some positions for being retrograde and direct. Finally, Saturn will transit in Sagittarius Sign from 26th October 2017.

Look at your Moon Sign and find detailed astrological predictions of Mighty Saturn transit in Sagittarius at our other article ‘Effect of Saturn transit in Sagittarius from January 26, 2017 on your Rashi‘ where he will stay from 26th October 2017 to 23rd January 2020.


The word ‘karma’ is first seen around 3000 BC in t he Bhagavad-Gita
(which translates to the Song of God in Sanskrit) that according to Indian mythology was delivered by Lord Krishna. Karma mean s action. Simply, this may be considered to be ‘what goes around comes around’. The theory of karma is relatively simple but the range of its consequences can be intricate and mysterious. As you are reading this book it is likely that you already have some awareness of karma and have a sense of yourself as stardust on your spiritual journey. You will be creating and living t he fruits of your karma at all times. Put another way, what you create is what you experience. This relates to your intentions, actions, thoughts, beliefs and emotions. You are constantly projecting these into your environment, consciously and also unconsciously. Your projections flow from you and eventually come back to you, either immediately, or later in your present or future lives. So it is helpful for you to become aware of your projections of thought, word and action and even aware of your most involuntary private thoughts as well. It will take many souls a very long time before they are able to believe this, as they may not be able to see the link from their thoughts, desires and actions into their physical reality. They may not realise that much of what comes their way is coming not only from this life, but from previous lives, too; a mixture of past and present creations. It may take many people a long time to realise that they are a creator. In addition, they may eventually realize that it is not an external God or Creator that judges their karma, but their person al soul, particularly between lives.

You may of course look at your karma at a conscious level, at any stage of your life, if you have the courage to do so. There is no right or wrong, black or white in karma. It just IS; it is action. Karma is not punishment.

For me it is impossible to separate karma from Vedic astrology, as the position of the planets over the place of your birth (forming your birth chart) determines our personality and also the events that are due to unfold at particular points in life. People will come into our life, that we are due to meet at particular periods in time, according to karmic and astrological lore. Our karma will unfold in perfect time. Some people will be new to us in our soul’s journey; while others will be those with whom w e have ‘unfinished business’ from previous lives that is seeking completion. These may be a love affair that ended badly, or could not be consummated due to choices, social restrictions or any other limitation; or possibly a business partner, parent or child with whom something is not yet resolved  satisfactorily. Each of these experiences provide us with the ability to make choices and to experiment with different outcomes. From the beginning, events and situations will seemingly happen to us as Surya. We may have an attentive and loving mother or not, be born into a war or famine or alternatively an abundant and soft environment. At a soul level these events will be p re-ordained. Our gender is chosen to provide the necessary specific experiences we require, even though gender, as we know it, is not a part of the spirit world experience. Gender is an important part of our physical earthly experience. These are the events that will help to shape us through the events of our life and create more karma.

There are many kinds of karma. You have personal karma and are also involved in much collective karma, such as your family karma and also the other collective karma involving race, culture, religion or generations. There are experiences to learn from on many levels simultaneously. You are seemingly thrown into your life and have chosen to experience it for many reasons. It is possible that you may find your family loving and harmonious or alternatively so challenging or distasteful that you would like to cut them off. However born into this family is no accident. It is very much part of your spiritual journey regardless of its ease, dysfunction or pa in. Simply disowning family or relationships will not be enough to release you from the karmic connection. You must experience it in all its facets and perhaps look or the treasures within it, whilst also acknowledging any shortfalls in the people, situation and also ultimately in yourself. Perhaps then you may be able to understand it, integrate and let it go. In letting g o of the pattern and changing the destiny you may be able to go into a different way of being, in being truer to who you are and emerge richer from the experience.

In collective karma you may need to acknowledge your collective destiny with others. Accept them and yourself as part of this group. You are experiencing the consequences of what has gone before f or some reason, in a personal way and also from what was set in motion from previous generations in your genetic line. Such karmas are played out in the rise and fall of nations or the spread or demise of religions and the waging of wars. Through being part of so many different karmic experiences, you make choices in the best way you can, in setting down more of the same, or different situations on your karmic map. Continuing in the cycle of cause and effect of what goes around comes around. This means at best having the courage to face your karma and attempt to resolve it, which must provide valuable growth.

Particularly through the spiritual teachings of Vedic Astrology I have learned that there is a mixture of karma to unfold in life that comes in three basic strengths. These are fixed, mixed or light karmas.

Moon in vedic astrology

Vedic Astrology is a moon-based system of astrology. It is a very ancient system dating back 5,000-10,000 years BC. During that period as in keeping with many tribal people today, the moon with its rhythms and cycles is a reliable natural clock. People who live close to nature and depend totally on the fertility of the soil, weather patterns and cosmic forces for survival often use the cycle of the moon in a very productive way. They are acutely aware of the miracle of nature and its ability to rejuvenate in terms of seasons, crops and the production of animal offspring, at regular intervals. The moon is a strong symbol of fertility as it represents the monthly cycle in women and therefore is an omen for abundant creativity.

Moon – A Personal Planet

Generally, the moon represents the mind and the emotions in a person, so has a very personal significance to each individual, whereas the sun represents the soul. Of course the sun is very important to us too as it our main source of light, but its light is reflected on the moon (as the moon has no light source of its own), so the moon is the bearer of the soul’s energy. Therefore the Moon indicates our emotional and psychological patterns and tendencies.

The combination of planets over our place of birth at the time of birth becomes an individual’s birth chart. The position and condition of the moon in the chart is a crucial point of interest to a Vedic astrologer, as it will show a lot about the character of the person and the tenor of their life.

The position of the moon in the chart will also indicate your passion and your main areas of interest in life.

The Waxing and Waning Moon

If your moon at the time of birth was waxing, (on its way from no moon to full moon) this is viewed as highly favourable in Vedic astrology. In fact it can be so favourable as to counter other less favourable trends in the chart. Generally, you will be noticed and will have an extrovert and confident personality.

If on the other hand your moon is waning (on its way from full to no moon), then this will generally make you more withdrawn and reflective. You will generally not seek the limelight.

Generally in the Vedic system, a waxing moon in the sky over head or in transit, is considered a good time for action, expansion and starting off new projects, whereas a waning moon is good for completing work and resting. So, if possible, such things as signing contracts, putting down the foundations for a house, or getting married are all things best done in a waxing moon phase, in order to give the project its best chance of success.

Moon Lore

In oral or written traditions of folk lore all over the world as in Vedic astrology, various phases of the moon were and still are, used to indicate the best times to sow seeds, reap crops, perform rites of passage or spiritual ceremonies. This helps to give meaning and order to the lives of many people that live in this way. Of course this means that even though you might want to do something right now, you might be advised to be patient and wait until the moon is in the right phase. Of course, to our Western mindset this might seem superstitious and totally unacceptable, as our culture teaches us that time must be used efficiently and not waisted.

From a traditional Vedic perspective, where there is an awareness of inner body rhythms and a feeling of connected-ness to environmental cycles, such people will generally prefer to “go with the flow” of natural and cosmic forces, rather than pit their wit and ego against them. The gaps between productive activities may be viewed as time for replenishment, reflection, preparation and encouraging discipline. This way of Being also helps to develop patience and acceptance in the individual and to find their place in the natural scheme of things in their world.


The physical effects of the Moon’s pull on earth in terms of gravity are easily observed in our tides. Most of the living world’s plants and animals including out own bodies are composed of approximately eighty per cent water. Is it not reasonable to expect that the moon’s magnetic forces will also be felt by our physical body as well, particularly in those people who are very much in tune, or sensitive to their body rhythms?

Any one who works in a mental institution or an emergency section of a hospital will tell you that the full moon period in particular, can have a very strong effect on the emotions and behaviour of many people. The word Lunatic was not coined without reason and the strength of a full moon certainly seems to have an effect on some individuals psychologically.

Moon Position

The position of the moon in the birth chart and its horoscope sign will give a lot of detail about the personality and the emotional state of the person and also put a flavour on the mind set.

This is so significant in Vedic astrology that the moon sign in the chart can be used as another rising sign which is an important chart to be used in conjunction with the main birth chart. The moon chart can be used for verification of factors seen in the main chart.

Nakshatras – Lunar Mansions

In both the Vedic and the Western system of astrology the twelve signs of the zodiac form twelve houses in the astrology birth chart. The first house signifying the rising sign for the person. In addition, the Vedic system has a further 27 subdivisions overlaid onto the twelve signs or houses in the chart. These subdivisions are known as Nakshatras or Lunar Mansions.

In Indian mythology, the moon spends one day in each Nakshatra or Lunar mansion, as it completes its monthly cycle. One complete cycle of the moon, a Lunar month is 28 days. Therefore the moon spends just over one day with each of its 27 wives in each Nakshatra (Lunar Mansion) during each monthly cycle. Each Nakshatra is ruled by a specific planet in the same way that each horoscope sign is ruled by a specific planet.

This means that each planet in the birth chart will have the influence of the horoscope sign it is sitting in and the horoscope ruler and also the Nakshatra sign and the Nakshatra ruler on it. This is particularly significant for the Moon and the rising sign in a chart.

Example OneFor example if a person has their Moon at 14 degrees Aries in a Sidereal Vedic chart, that person will have a strong Mars influence on them, because Mars is the ruler of Aries. Mars will be responsible for giving this person strong purposeful and energetic qualities.

In the Vedic system this same person will also have their moon in a Nakshatra or Lunar Mansion called Bharani. Bharani is ruled by the planet Venus, so this will also give this person additional qualities of love, romance and an appreciation of comfort and beauty as well as the Mars qualities.

Example TwoFor another person with a Moon placed at 5 degrees Aries in a Sidereal chart Vedic chart, the Nakshatra ruler will be the South Node of the Moon (Ketu.) This will give quite different qualities to the person, even though they will still also receive a Mars influence due to being in the sign of Aries, as in example one.

In this way greater clarification and depth can be gained by the Vedic astrologer from the position of the moon and rising sign in terms of horoscope and Nakshatra sign and ruler combined. This can be used to gain great detail and depth into the person’s character, life purpose and passions.

Dasas – Planetary Periods

From the position of your moon’s Nakshatra at the moment of birth in your Sidereal Vedic chart, the ruler of the Nakshatra will determine which planetary period you will experience first in your life. Once this is set you will experience planetary periods in a set sequence from the first one through out the rest of your life.

Looking at Example One with its moon in the Nakshatra of Bharani. Bharani is ruled by Venus, therefore this person will experience a Venus period first in their life. From this period they will experience a sequence of planetary periods that will run in a set sequence from the first one.

For example this person will go into a Moon period at age 26 :

Dasa      Planetary Period
Venus   20 years
Sun        6 years
Moon    10 years
Mars      7 years
Rahu      18 years
Jupiter  16 years
Saturn   19 years
Mercury               17 years
Ketu      7 years

Please note: In Vedic astrology only 9 planets are used. Moon, Mars, Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Mercury, Rahu and Ketu Rahu is the North Node of the Moon.Ketu is the South Node of the Moon

If you were able to live through all of these planetary periods you would reach a life span of 120 years. This is supposedly the natural life span of humans according to the Vedic system, if we look after ourselves adequately. I think we still have a way to go in this area.

How Dasa Periods Affect Your Life

Looking at example one who is experiencing a Venus period first, depending on the position of Venus in the chart and its strength it will be either a good or not so good period for that person. It will bring areas of interest or focus according to the houses Venus rules in the chart. The Dasa periods along with the transiting planets will bring events and situations to that person according to the karma that has been pre ordained in the birth chart to be unfolded and experienced in this life.

Often towards the end of a planetary period we will experience great shifts in consciousness and a shift in interest and focus. We can often feel a little unstable for a while as we become accustomed to the new energy of the next planetary period and the different issues and focus that it brings in for us. In this way even though the whole life may have a predominate theme or perhaps for some, several different themes, each stage of it will be experienced differently with different events and people coming into your life at particular times so that no two periods are the same.

Sade Sati – Saturn Transiting Your Moon

Sadi Sati is a transit that is very well known in Vedic astrology. It is more significant to a Vedic astrologer than the Saturn return, which is a very well known transit in Western astrology.

Sadi Sati is the transit of Saturn on the Moon in your Sidereal astrology chart. It can create some difficult psychological and emotional struggles in your life that might manifest in letting go or clearing out the debris in your life. It is a long transit lasting several years and will have the effect of encouraging you to go deep and re-evaluate your life and make inner changes. Although it may be uncomfortable and result in major changes in your life or your perspective, I like to view this as over-all, a very positive stage of life. It can make you change direction in your life and make you focus on what is really important to you. It can also bring relationship issues to a focus, in that you can no longer avoid putting things off and are forced to sort things out. By the end of a Sadi Sati you will emerge as a new being, much like a snake shedding its old skin, ready to continue with your life in a new way.

Those experiencing Sade Sati now :

January 2004-October 2004Saturn is transiting Gemini.Those who have a moon in their Sidereal chart in Taurus, Gemini and Leo will be feeling the effect of Sade Sati now. You will probably be aware of the areas of your life that you have to focus on. This is a long transit, so you should have plenty of time to work out the best course of action for yourself, no need for haste in your decisions.

By the end of September 2004 those of you with a moon in Taurus should feel the energy changing for you as Saturn moves into Cancer, your transforming time is now over and you should be able to continue with your life feeling quite liberated and free.

October 2004-December 2004Saturn is transiting GeminiThose of you who have a moon in their Sidereal chart in Gemini, Leo and Virgo will continue to feel the effects of Sade Sati. This will be a newer sensation for the people with moon in Virgo. This is a good time for inner reflection and deciding what you want to do in the next phase of your life. This is a good time for study or preparing for your future. Take plenty of rest and relaxation time and perhaps take up a course in meditation or yoga.

So the next time you are admiring the moon, do notice its beauty and mystery and also its shadows and depth and be aware of its subtle influence in your life.

The Moon Through The Signs

If you have a Western chart take 23 degrees the degrees off the moon to find out which sign it sits in the Vedic Sidereal system.

Moon in AriesThis sign is ruled by Mars. This will make you a physical, powerful and action orientated person. You will be quite emotional and can also be fiery at times. Generally you will be an initiator of ideas but you must be careful to finish off what you start before you go onto the next project.

Moon in TaurusThis sign is ruled by Venus. This is the most favoured position in the chart for the moon. You will be very emotional and able to express your emotions. You will also be very sensuous and appreciate things of beauty or art and nature. You will have strong principles and a clear vision of what you want to achieve. You need to be careful not to be stubborn at times and you can become very angry if provoked.

Moon in GeminiThis sign is ruled by Mercury. This is a very intellectual sign with a general interest and love of many things, especially art, music, clothing, jewellery. You should be a quick thinker and learner and a good communicator. You should be able to juggle more than one thing at a time successfully and need lots of variety in your life, as you would otherwise become bored.

Moon in CancerThis sign is ruled by the Moon. A moon sitting in its own sign is good and strong and shows a powerful mind. You will be quite emotional and a sensitive person who is often offended by harshness. You are very much a nurturer and take pleasure in looking after others. Generally you will take the ups and downs of life in your stride.

Moon in LeoThis sign is ruled by the Sun. You feel that you are a natural leader and have a strong sense of purpose and determination to achieve your goals. In this you may be a bit self-centred. Generally you are out spoken and not too concerned about the opinions of others. You can be quite passionate and quite easily provoked into anger but generally do not hold grudges and calm down again quite quickly. You will generally be fair to those around you.

Moon in VirgoThis sign is ruled by Mercury. This should make you a good communicator. You will have the will and the ability to make others feel comfortable. You will have a strong compassionate nature and an intelligent and active mind and be good in business activities. You will be sensuous and have a great appreciation of art and beauty.

Moon in LibraThis sign is ruled by Venus. The power of Venus will make you greatly appreciate beautiful and sensuous things. This can lead to health problems due to over indulgence if you are not careful. You will be intelligent with a strong wish to find a balance in life between the material and spiritual. You will have a strong sense of discretion. You will be successful and honest in business dealings and very much enjoy your social life.

Moon in ScorpioThis sign is ruled by Mars. This is the weakest sign for the moon. You might find that you have a restless mind and troubling thoughts at times. You can be very emotional and find it hard to let go of hurt feelings. Others may not be aware that you are highly sensitive and private person who is also intense and can be quite adept at achieving your goals.

You do have a spiritual nature although you may find that it takes you awhile to realise this.

Moon in SagittariusThis sign is ruled by Jupiter. You will be a person with many positive qualities. You will be honest with strong morals, generous and a straightforward way of dealing with others. You will strive to fulfil your goals and be intelligent and a good communicator with a wish to be fair to every one. You will be able to handle money well and be very involved with your family. You will have both a spiritual and a philosophical nature.

Moon in CapricornThis sign is ruled by Saturn. You will have confidence in your career aspirations that should lead to success. You will be of good character but frequently change your mind about things. You will be a reliable and steadfast person who is mostly kind. Any problems you find you are generally able to overcome with patience and perseverance. You will be quick witted and have some artistic talents and appreciation.

Moon in AquariusThis sign is ruled by Saturn. You will have a strong intellectual nature, which may include an interest in philosophy and religion. You will be interested in psychic perceptions and possibly meditation and yoga and have a strong sense of justice and discernment and be interested in being a peacemaker. You will be artistic and good at your work but may experience large ups and downs in life.

Moon in PiscesThis sign is ruled by Jupiter. You will have strong principles and morals but may find it difficult to make up your mind. You can be very emotional if not over emotional at times and you are very much affected by the emotions of others. You can be very generous to others and have a very amiable and gentle personality. You will be intelligent and artistic with spiritual interests. You will enjoy a social life and will make reliable friends.

Saturday, December 30, 2017


Kundalini is a Sanscrit term from ancient India that identifies the arising of an energy and consciousness which has been coiled at the base of the spine since birth, and is the source of the life force (pranic energy, chi , bio-energy) that everybody knows.  Yogic science suggests that this energy triggered the formation of the child in the womb, and then coils 3 ½ times at the base of the spine to hold the energy field in stasis until we die, when it uncoils and returns to its source.

Kundalini may unravel and arise from the base of the spine (or sometimes from the feet) due to spiritual practices, or in response to life events, and when this happens it may move gradually, uncoiling like a snake, or quickly and explosively, into the gut, the heart or the head.  This event can be startling and chaotic, frightening or blissful, and it usually triggers months and years of new sensations and changes in the person who awakens it.  It may feel like the body’s wiring has moved from 110 to 220, and it takes time to adapt to it.  It is understood in the eastern tradition to be a significant adjunct to spiritual realization, but it is rarely recognized as such in western traditions, although Christian mystics have often been said to have intense energetic or physical problems.

It is possible to find acknowledgement of this spiritual movement in many yogic and tantric traditions, Tantric Buddhism, Taoism, gnostic mystical tradition and some Native American teachings, and indigenous societies.  An image of a rising snake in the body signifies its existence in the esoteric art of many cultures. The capacity to intensify and raise energy in the body has been explored for thousands of years.  It is a natural human potential.

Kundalini awakening can trigger a wide range of phenomena, both positive and negative.  It can cause significant changes in the physical, emotional, sensate and psychic capacities, cause stress in vulnerable areas of the body, open the heart and mind to major shifts in perspective,  and cause many  unique and unfamiliar sensations including shaking, vibrating, spontaneous movement, visions, and many other phenomena.

Kundalini awakening offers a profound opportunity for those called to follow a spiritual path.  It gradually releases many patterns, conditions and delusions of the separate self.  It can be threatening to the ego-structure because a person may feel a loss of interest in their old life and identity, and consciousness may go into unfamiliar expansive or empty states that are disorienting.  It also makes people who are unfamiliar with it afraid they are ill or losing their minds. So understanding is important.

Like any energy of creation (prana, electricity, atoms) this energy can be activated and misused by those who are not spiritually motivated or have not completed this process and are therefore not free of personal patterns.  It is very helpful to understand the process and the intention of your own life force as it awakens you so that you may discover wisdom, love and authentic direction in your own life.  Simplicity, contentment, unconditional acceptance and presence are hallmarks of an awakened life.

kundalini energy

Eastern scriptures have described three forms of kundalini awakening, based on the intensity of energy that moves through the body at the time. It may be mild like a river flowing, moderate like a snake crawling up the spine, and intense like a geyser. When this energy activated fully in the non-dual teacher Adyashanti it was sudden and intense, causing his heart to pound beyond normal limits, and his conclusion to be that he was probably going to die. When he surrendered to this with the thought that if it took death to be free, so be it, the energy process swept through and stopped, plunging him into an experience of cosmic unity.

Another modern spiritual teacher, Eckhart Tolle, speaks of his awakening more in terms of a permanent penetration into emptiness and space. His awakening was spontaneous, without any spiritual training, after he fell completely into the depths of depression. After falling into emptiness, he never retrieved his former mental patterns again, but instead demonstrates a deeper access to wisdom and understanding.

For many people there are tastes of this empty-fullness in meditation for many years, before they fall into the realization that this is what they are. Others come upon it when out in nature, and being swept into a realization that they are everything that is – the mountains, sky, earth, rocks and every being within it. It is as if there is a sudden movement out of the form with which we were narrowly identified, and into the pure consciousness out of which every natural form has emerged. We may be moving into the space of our cells and discovering it is one with all space, full of the consciousness that is all and eternal.

It’s important for those awakening, as well as for therapists or friends of those moving through this process, to hold the utmost respect for the difficulties experienced as cells restructure and release all the trapped experiences and patterns of the past. Imagine if everything you believed about yourself was dissolving into space – who and what are you without the mental concepts, without words, without any system to hold on to as truth? Interiorly this is what people who are leaning into spiritual awakening will eventually experience. If it happens as a glimpse they will bounce back into the ordinary lives, and may feel divided between two worlds until the process is ended. The great gift of having an authentic spiritual teacher who has gone through this is that they can unflinchingly lead the person into a life in which they live from who they truly are.

I have met with hundreds of people caught somewhere in this process, and I believe most spiritually awakened people are living this gradual deconstruction, inspired by sudden bursts of wisdom, or insight, or love, or the bliss that bubbles up as cells release themselves. We can be allies along the way if we are willing to give up our own rigid patterns of belief and simply share the wonder and the faith that this is a natural and hopeful process of evolution which all of us will eventually enter.

I began my research in 1984, looking for commonalities in those who were in a kundalini process, and looking for solutions to the issues and difficulties, but this perspective of energy and emptiness, is the deepest truth I have found thus far through the research I have been offered by participating in my own process and those of many others.

What are the implications if it is so that many can and will encounter this awakening? It means more and more of the people who share this planetary mindset will understand their true and intimate relationship to each other. We will see clearly how the way we condition our children impacts the painful patterns that are set in adults as thoughts and emotional reactions, and underlie the greed, addiction and violence in our society. And we will recognize there is an element of eternal life, goodness, and wisdom in all beings. When we move out of addiction to thought and begin to search for the flow of authenticity and relationship in our lives we then ask the right questions and move in more natural directions in our families, cultures and societies.
We are vibrations of energy moving through space and fields of energy-thought-forms.

We are consciousness capable of recognizing itself. We are forms and formless both and when we have the direct understanding of this we can relax and simply live our lives in natural response to each moment.

Kundalini awakening

Kundalini awakening, whether it occurs within a traditional spiritual discipline or spontaneously, brings challenges for many people. It is as if your system has been amped up from 110 to 220 wiring and you, as the appliance, have not yet adapted to it. It is exceedingly rare for an awakening to be complete before many months and years of clearing have occurred.

This energy of life force has a goal of bringing you to a complete rest in the universal Self, or the Non-self (not a personal self), or what has been called the peace that passes understanding. One scripture describes Kundalini as a goddess (also called Shakti) who awakens and rushes through the body through the crown of the head to merge with her lover, the God Shiva, representing pure universal consciousness.

 As this journey happens the self-identifications, beliefs and illusions related to the existing personality are undermined and eventually dissolve. You may feel you no longer have a place to stand in the world. You are moving toward standing in the vastness of the whole.

This clearing has been called a purification process, or in Hindu terms it is the release of samscaras and vrittis. Samscaras are all the conditions brought into this unique life to be played out from previous lives, but could also be considered the consequence of effects in the present life. Vrittis are all the movements of mind and thought. Many spiritual practices exist for the purpose of calming and overcoming the activity of vrittis.

Because we are spirit imbedded in a physical body all of the cells of our bodies are like parts of a hologram, containing the memories of whatever has happened to us. So it happens that as the energies that hope to transform us move through the body those areas where energy, pain, memory or contractions are stored will react. This is what we are feeling when there are pains, jerking movements, heat, vibrations, rushes and other phenomena during and following a kundalini arising. Many people have associated some of these movements with opening the chakras, which is another model for saying that as contraction releases new possibilities emerge.

People carry their pain in different ways, just as we live our lives in different ways, and so there can be a wide variety of responses to this movement of energy, or clearing process. If there are physical problems from an old injury it may be especially sensitive. If our diet has been unhealthy or our lifestyle causes us to live where there is toxic emotional energy, this can leave us more vulnerable to difficulties. If there has been abuse of any kind, or there is a history of alcoholism or drug-use, the body may be especially challenged by this awakening, which is trying to clear it of the past memories and experiences that we are identified with. If there is a tendency of the personality to contract and a strong desire for control the process can be very difficult because of our resistance to it.

For these and other reasons these are a few guidelines that can help you move through this experience and find inner peace.

1. The energy may feel coarse and intense at times. But it is rarely painful. Usually it is the fear and the attempt to stop it that causes pain. If you are having lots of body movement, lay down once or twice a day on the bed, and invite the energy to move through you and clear out whatever doesn't belong to you, and whatever is in your best interest to release at that moment. Usually it will run for a few minutes — maybe up to 20 — and then stop, and you will feel more relaxed. You especially need to do this if you work in an environment where you may be picking up negative energy or the pain of others such as healing or therapeutic work, or in places where there is a lot of alcohol use, or in hospitals. If you are having persistent physical pain in this process you should have a medical evaluation.

2. Discover what your body really wants to eat. Often people need to make major dietary changes such as giving up alcohol and recreational drug use, avoiding red meat, eating smaller and more simple meals. If you have a persistent problem with energy that is too intense do detective work to see what might be triggering the problem. How long since you ate and what did you eat? Would a small piece of bread or some protein calm it down? Perhaps chamomile or burdock root tea? To calm energy and heat yogis sometimes recommend a drink of warm milk, with ghee (clarified butter) and sugar (not honey, which raises heat). Often stress and emotional issues make the energy overly strong, as it is trying to release all stressors from the body. 

Another option is to have a good analysis done with an Ayurvedic practitioner, who can assess your body type and balance, and recommend the optimal diet and herbs for you. There is much variation in dietary needs, and sometimes people have long periods with no appetite at all, or long periods with a voracious appetite. Usually a diet focused on rice and vegetables is most useful, but proteins are also important. I tend not to eat much meat so I take a powdered protein and mineral supplement in juice every day and it makes a great difference in how I feel. Be good to yourself.

3. Focus more in the heart and the belly than in the head. Look for practices that center you more deeply into the present moment. A devotional practice such as chanting or doing a heart-centered meditation can help the energy open you to an experience of the deeper part of yourself, the eternal part.  Moving outward into more loving connections with others, possibly trying simple volunteer work with nature or animal, may help the awakening become more balanced. Some have found it comforting to invite the presence of a divine image as an ally at this time (i.e. a god, goddess, spiritual teacher, saint, symbol).  Others imagine light surrounding them. Kundalini has been imaged as a Goddess in India, and some people report success in speaking to her and asking her to ease the experience. These are powerful archetypal energies that help the psyche when it is moving through challenging changes.

4. Do something to help your body be more open such as yoga, Tai Chi, dance, acupressure, movement processes, long walks in nature, or whatever you are drawn to. If you don't know what is best for you try several things and stick with what feels the best. The physical body is the vehicle that will carry and ground your spirit, your awakening, in the end. No matter how deep your realization you will ultimately be living in a human body for a few more years. The better it is cared for, the more options you have to express realization when it occurs.

Of course, a person who is weak or dying can also be a beautiful and complete expression of the Divine, and poor health does not preclude enlightenment. Those who have sat with people who are dying have seen that as attachment to the body lets go more and more light shines through. But this should not be misconstrued to advocate a harsh asceticism. While we are living, having an open and flexible body accomplishes the same thing with a lot less pain and distraction. Making the body "disciplined" by over-doing exercise is not of any use either. Find a middle way, where your body is in harmony with your spirit.

5. Wake up each day expecting not to know what will happen, and looking with curiosity for the events to unfold. Instead of worrying and controlling, simply be present to whatever arises with the intention of meeting it with your best effort. Whatever happens in the process of spiritual awakening will be unpredictable and will move on, if you are simply the one noticing it, and not doing battle or making a big project out of it.

6. You may have emotional swings, energetic swings, psychic openings, and other undesired shifts that feel unfamiliar to your personality as you knew it. Be the observer. Don't feel you have to fix or change anything. It will pass.

7. If you have serious trauma in your history and have never had therapy it could be very useful in releasing the pains of the memories that come up around the events. I have noticed that people who had good therapy before their spiritual awakenings often have much less difficulty. Therapy teaches you to express, to witness, to release and to move on. Your therapist does not have to know much about kundalini as long as he or she does not discount that part of your process. What you want to focus on is releasing issues related to the trauma, and you want a therapist that is experienced and compassionate and sees your spiritual orientation as a motivation and a support for the process of healing.

8. This process is your opportunity to wake up to your true nature. Some people wake up first, and then experience a kundalini arising; others have the kundalini process moving through as a preparation for the arising. The arising occurs to do the clearing out work so is part of either model. Waking up means the realization that the one who is looking through your eyes, living through your senses, hearing your thoughts and being present in every moment of your experience, good or bad, is recognized or remembered. This is a bright, aware, detached and unconditionally loving presence that is universal and eternal and it is completely free of all the conditions and memories that you associate with as a personal identity. But as long as you believe in all your personal conditions and stories, emotions and thoughts, it has to experience life filtered through them. This conditioned mind is what brings variety and drama to the game of life, but it also causes suffering and fear of death. We glimpse the Truth about the deep expansive silence that is the ground of our being when we are in Samadhi and Satori experiences. The early Gnostics called it gnosis (knowledge) or the One.

Some spiritual teachings such as Advaita Vedanta and Zen go directly for the realization, while others see it as a gradual path accomplished through years of spiritual practices. Either way the end is the same. When you know who you are the world becomes as Shakespeare said, a stage, and you the player, and life is more light and thoughts less intrusive, and the kundalini process settles down into a mellow pleasantness.

9. Give up going places and being with people who cause you pain. Sometimes people seem to be more acutely sensitive when kundalini arises. They can't tolerate the energy of large discount warehouses, or smoky nightclubs, or the kind of family gatherings that are tense and competitive. It's okay to take care of yourself and find more quiet time, more intimate friends, and even a new job, if the old one is overly stressful. Don't feel you have to prove anything by forcing yourself to be someone you aren't. Rediscover what is comfortable naturally for you to do and to be. Live more authentically. In this process you may also find a new creative urge, which is a wonderful opportunity to express what is happening. Draw, write, dance, work with clay, paint, garden — all of these are great ways of nurturing yourself through the deep psychic changes you are experiencing.

10. Find an awakened teacher to hang out with. For many people with spiritual awakenings meditation is an intrinsic part of their lives. An awakened teacher will bring you a transmission of peace, and an opportunity to sit deeply in the silence of your true nature. An awakened teacher can be of any spiritual persuasion or none, can understand kundalini or not be interested in it, and will demonstrate tolerance and compassion for all who pass their way. When you learn from them the art of sitting and just being, you will find the cure for all the suffering of life. In time all the activity of the mind and complaints of the body fall away, and there is a deep understanding and love that arises, which brings a sense of completion, openness, freshness and invitation to the expression of the greater Self. When awakening is complete, there is no question it has been the whole purpose of your life. Where it will take you there is no way to know, and there is no one to care either. We surrender to the dance, knowing it is a dream.

Satyanarayan Puja

History of  Satyanarayan Puja The Satyanarayan Puja, or Satyanarayan Vrata as it is commonly known, is an auspicious Hindu religious obs...