Vedic Astrology is a moon-based system of astrology. It is a
very ancient system dating back 5,000-10,000 years BC. During that period as in
keeping with many tribal people today, the moon with its rhythms and cycles is
a reliable natural clock. People who live close to nature and depend totally on
the fertility of the soil, weather patterns and cosmic forces for survival
often use the cycle of the moon in a very productive way. They are acutely
aware of the miracle of nature and its ability to rejuvenate in terms of
seasons, crops and the production of animal offspring, at regular intervals.
The moon is a strong symbol of fertility as it represents the monthly cycle in
women and therefore is an omen for abundant creativity.
Moon – A Personal Planet
Generally, the moon represents the mind and the emotions in
a person, so has a very personal significance to each individual, whereas the
sun represents the soul. Of course the sun is very important to us too as it
our main source of light, but its light is reflected on the moon (as the moon
has no light source of its own), so the moon is the bearer of the soul’s
energy. Therefore the Moon indicates our emotional and psychological patterns
and tendencies.
The combination of planets over our place of birth at the
time of birth becomes an individual’s birth chart. The position and condition
of the moon in the chart is a crucial point of interest to a Vedic astrologer,
as it will show a lot about the character of the person and the tenor of their
The position of the moon in the chart will also indicate
your passion and your main areas of interest in life.
The Waxing and Waning Moon
If your moon at the time of birth was waxing, (on its way
from no moon to full moon) this is viewed as highly favourable in Vedic
astrology. In fact it can be so favourable as to counter other less favourable
trends in the chart. Generally, you will be noticed and will have an extrovert
and confident personality.
If on the other hand your moon is waning (on its way from
full to no moon), then this will generally make you more withdrawn and
reflective. You will generally not seek the limelight.
Generally in the Vedic system, a waxing moon in the sky over
head or in transit, is considered a good time for action, expansion and
starting off new projects, whereas a waning moon is good for completing work
and resting. So, if possible, such things as signing contracts, putting down
the foundations for a house, or getting married are all things best done in a
waxing moon phase, in order to give the project its best chance of success.
Moon Lore
In oral or written traditions of folk lore all over the
world as in Vedic astrology, various phases of the moon were and still are,
used to indicate the best times to sow seeds, reap crops, perform rites of
passage or spiritual ceremonies. This helps to give meaning and order to the
lives of many people that live in this way. Of course this means that even
though you might want to do something right now, you might be advised to be
patient and wait until the moon is in the right phase. Of course, to our
Western mindset this might seem superstitious and totally unacceptable, as our
culture teaches us that time must be used efficiently and not waisted.
From a traditional Vedic perspective, where there is an
awareness of inner body rhythms and a feeling of connected-ness to
environmental cycles, such people will generally prefer to “go with the flow”
of natural and cosmic forces, rather than pit their wit and ego against them.
The gaps between productive activities may be viewed as time for replenishment,
reflection, preparation and encouraging discipline. This way of Being also helps
to develop patience and acceptance in the individual and to find their place in
the natural scheme of things in their world.
The physical effects of the Moon’s pull on earth in terms of
gravity are easily observed in our tides. Most of the living world’s plants and
animals including out own bodies are composed of approximately eighty per cent
water. Is it not reasonable to expect that the moon’s magnetic forces will also
be felt by our physical body as well, particularly in those people who are very
much in tune, or sensitive to their body rhythms?
Any one who works in a mental institution or an emergency
section of a hospital will tell you that the full moon period in particular,
can have a very strong effect on the emotions and behaviour of many people. The
word Lunatic was not coined without reason and the strength of a full moon
certainly seems to have an effect on some individuals psychologically.
Moon Position
The position of the moon in the birth chart and its
horoscope sign will give a lot of detail about the personality and the
emotional state of the person and also put a flavour on the mind set.
This is so significant in Vedic astrology that the moon sign
in the chart can be used as another rising sign which is an important chart to
be used in conjunction with the main birth chart. The moon chart can be used
for verification of factors seen in the main chart.
Nakshatras – Lunar Mansions
In both the Vedic and the Western system of astrology the
twelve signs of the zodiac form twelve houses in the astrology birth chart. The
first house signifying the rising sign for the person. In addition, the Vedic
system has a further 27 subdivisions overlaid onto the twelve signs or houses
in the chart. These subdivisions are known as Nakshatras or Lunar Mansions.
In Indian mythology, the moon spends one day in each
Nakshatra or Lunar mansion, as it completes its monthly cycle. One complete
cycle of the moon, a Lunar month is 28 days. Therefore the moon spends just
over one day with each of its 27 wives in each Nakshatra (Lunar Mansion) during
each monthly cycle. Each Nakshatra is ruled by a specific planet in the same
way that each horoscope sign is ruled by a specific planet.
This means that each planet in the birth chart will have the
influence of the horoscope sign it is sitting in and the horoscope ruler and
also the Nakshatra sign and the Nakshatra ruler on it. This is particularly
significant for the Moon and the rising sign in a chart.
Example One
For example if a person has their Moon at
14 degrees Aries in a Sidereal Vedic chart, that person will have a
strong Mars influence on them, because Mars is the ruler of Aries. Mars will be
responsible for giving this person strong purposeful and energetic qualities.
In the Vedic system this same person will also have their
moon in a Nakshatra or Lunar Mansion called Bharani. Bharani is ruled by the
planet Venus, so this will also give this person additional qualities of love,
romance and an appreciation of comfort and beauty as well as the Mars
Example Two
For another person with a Moon placed at
5 degrees Aries in a Sidereal chart Vedic chart, the Nakshatra ruler will be
the South Node of the Moon (Ketu.) This will give quite different qualities to
the person, even though they will still also receive a Mars influence
due to being in the sign of Aries, as in example one.
In this way greater clarification and depth can be gained by
the Vedic astrologer from the position of the moon and rising sign in terms of
horoscope and Nakshatra sign and ruler combined. This can be used to gain great
detail and depth into the person’s character, life purpose and passions.
Dasas – Planetary Periods
From the position of your moon’s Nakshatra at the moment of
birth in your Sidereal Vedic chart, the ruler of the Nakshatra will determine
which planetary period you will experience first in your life. Once this is set
you will experience planetary periods in a set sequence from the first one
through out the rest of your life.
Looking at Example One with its moon in the Nakshatra of
Bharani. Bharani is ruled by Venus, therefore this person will experience a
Venus period first in their life. From this period they will experience a
sequence of planetary periods that will run in a set sequence from the first
For example this person will go into a Moon period at age 26
Dasa Planetary
Venus 20 years
Sun 6 years
Moon 10 years
Mars 7 years
Rahu 18 years
Jupiter 16 years
Saturn 19 years
Mercury 17
Ketu 7 years
Please note: In Vedic astrology only 9 planets are used.
Moon, Mars, Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Mercury, Rahu and Ketu
Rahu is the North Node of the Moon.
Ketu is the
South Node of the Moon
If you were able to live through all of these planetary
periods you would reach a life span of 120 years. This is supposedly the
natural life span of humans according to the Vedic system, if we look after
ourselves adequately. I think we still have a way to go in this area.
How Dasa Periods Affect Your Life
Looking at example one who is experiencing a Venus period
first, depending on the position of Venus in the chart and its strength it will
be either a good or not so good period for that person. It will bring areas of
interest or focus according to the houses Venus rules in the chart. The Dasa
periods along with the transiting planets will bring events and situations to
that person according to the karma that has been pre ordained in the birth
chart to be unfolded and experienced in this life.
Often towards the end of a planetary period we will
experience great shifts in consciousness and a shift in interest and focus. We
can often feel a little unstable for a while as we become accustomed to the new
energy of the next planetary period and the different issues and focus that it
brings in for us. In this way even though the whole life may have a predominate
theme or perhaps for some, several different themes, each stage of it will be
experienced differently with different events and people coming into your life
at particular times so that no two periods are the same.
Sade Sati – Saturn Transiting Your Moon
Sadi Sati is a transit that is very well known in Vedic
astrology. It is more significant to a Vedic astrologer than the Saturn return,
which is a very well known transit in Western astrology.
Sadi Sati is the transit of Saturn on the Moon in your
Sidereal astrology chart. It can create some difficult psychological and
emotional struggles in your life that might manifest in letting go or clearing
out the debris in your life. It is a long transit lasting several years and
will have the effect of encouraging you to go deep and re-evaluate your life
and make inner changes. Although it may be uncomfortable and result in major
changes in your life or your perspective, I like to view this as over-all, a
very positive stage of life. It can make you change direction in your life and
make you focus on what is really important to you. It can also bring
relationship issues to a focus, in that you can no longer avoid putting things
off and are forced to sort things out. By the end of a Sadi Sati you will
emerge as a new being, much like a snake shedding its old skin, ready to
continue with your life in a new way.
Those experiencing Sade Sati now :
January 2004-October 2004
Saturn is transiting Gemini.
Those who have a moon in their Sidereal chart in Taurus, Gemini and
Leo will be feeling the effect of Sade Sati now. You will probably be aware of
the areas of your life that you have to focus on. This is a long transit, so
you should have plenty of time to work out the best course of action for
yourself, no need for haste in your decisions.
By the end of September 2004 those of you with a moon in
Taurus should feel the energy changing for you as Saturn moves into Cancer,
your transforming time is now over and you should be able to continue with your
life feeling quite liberated and free.
October 2004-December 2004
Saturn is
transiting Gemini
Those of you who have a moon in their
Sidereal chart in Gemini, Leo and Virgo will continue to feel the effects of
Sade Sati. This will be a newer sensation for the people with moon in Virgo.
This is a good time for inner reflection and deciding what you want to
do in the next phase of your life. This is a good time for study or preparing
for your future. Take plenty of rest and relaxation time and perhaps take up a
course in meditation or yoga.
So the next time you are admiring the moon, do notice its
beauty and mystery and also its shadows and depth and be aware of its subtle
influence in your life.
The Moon Through The Signs
If you have a Western chart take 23 degrees the degrees off
the moon to find out which sign it sits in the Vedic Sidereal system.
Moon in Aries
This sign
is ruled by Mars. This will make you a physical, powerful and action orientated
person. You will be quite emotional and can also be fiery at times. Generally
you will be an initiator of ideas but you must be careful to finish off
what you start before you go onto the next project.
Moon in Taurus
This sign
is ruled by Venus. This is the most favoured position in the chart for the
moon. You will be very emotional and able to express your emotions. You
will also be very sensuous and appreciate things of beauty or art and nature.
You will have strong principles and a clear vision of what you want to achieve.
You need to be careful not to be stubborn at times and you can become very
angry if provoked.
Moon in Gemini
This sign
is ruled by Mercury. This is a very intellectual sign with a general interest
and love of many things, especially art, music, clothing, jewellery. You should
be a quick thinker and learner and a good communicator. You should be
able to juggle more than one thing at a time successfully and need lots of
variety in your life, as you would otherwise become bored.
Moon in Cancer
This sign
is ruled by the Moon. A moon sitting in its own sign is good and strong and
shows a powerful mind. You will be quite emotional and a sensitive person who
is often offended by harshness. You are very much a nurturer and take pleasure
in looking after others. Generally you will take the ups and downs of life in
your stride.
Moon in Leo
This sign is ruled by the Sun. You feel
that you are a natural leader and have a strong sense of purpose and
determination to achieve your goals. In this you may be a bit self-centred.
Generally you are out spoken and not too concerned about the opinions of
others. You can be quite passionate and quite easily provoked into anger but
generally do not hold grudges and calm down again quite quickly. You will
generally be fair to those around you.
Moon in Virgo
This sign
is ruled by Mercury. This should make you a good communicator. You will
have the will and the ability to make others feel comfortable. You will have a
strong compassionate nature and an intelligent and active mind and be good in
business activities. You will be sensuous and have a great appreciation of art
and beauty.
Moon in Libra
This sign
is ruled by Venus. The power of Venus will make you greatly appreciate
beautiful and sensuous things. This can lead to health problems due to over
indulgence if you are not careful. You will be intelligent with a strong
wish to find a balance in life between the material and spiritual. You will
have a strong sense of discretion. You will be successful and honest in
business dealings and very much enjoy your social life.
Moon in Scorpio
This sign
is ruled by Mars. This is the weakest sign for the moon. You might find
that you have a restless mind and troubling thoughts at times. You can be very
emotional and find it hard to let go of hurt feelings. Others may not be aware
that you are highly sensitive and private person who is also intense and can be
quite adept at achieving your goals.
You do have a spiritual nature although you may find that it
takes you awhile to realise this.
Moon in Sagittarius
This sign
is ruled by Jupiter. You will be a person with many positive qualities.
You will be honest with strong morals, generous and a straightforward way of
dealing with others. You will strive to fulfil your goals and be intelligent
and a good communicator with a wish to be fair to every one. You will be able
to handle money well and be very involved with your family. You will have both
a spiritual and a philosophical nature.
Moon in Capricorn
This sign
is ruled by Saturn. You will have confidence in your career aspirations that
should lead to success. You will be of good character but frequently change
your mind about things. You will be a reliable and steadfast person who is mostly
kind. Any problems you find you are generally able to overcome with patience
and perseverance. You will be quick witted and have some artistic talents and
Moon in Aquarius
This sign
is ruled by Saturn. You will have a strong intellectual nature, which
may include an interest in philosophy and religion. You will be interested in
psychic perceptions and possibly meditation and yoga and have a strong sense of
justice and discernment and be interested in being a peacemaker. You will be artistic
and good at your work but may experience large ups and downs in life.
Moon in Pisces
This sign
is ruled by Jupiter. You will have strong principles and morals but may find it
difficult to make up your mind. You can be very emotional if not over emotional
at times and you are very much affected by the emotions of others. You can be
very generous to others and have a very amiable and gentle personality. You
will be intelligent and artistic with spiritual interests. You will enjoy a
social life and will make reliable friends.