The Mahabharata is the world's longest epic poem and one of
Hinduism's most popular and important scriptures, along with the Ramayan. The
epic is a narrative of the Kurukshetra war but also contains much philosophical
and devotional material. Contained within this massive epic are very important
works, including the Bhagavad Gita, the story of Damayanti, and a shortened
version of the Ramayana.
There are many forms of the epic, and the oldest parts are
thought to have been written about 400 BCE.
Here is a glossary of
over 400 names from among the numerous characters found in the 100,000 verses
and 18 chapters of the great epic poem as written by sage Vyasa.
Names from Mahabharata Starting with 'A'
Arjuna: The warrior prince
of the Pandava dynasty.
Abhimanyu: Son of Arjuna and Subhadra, married to Uttara,
daughter of King Virata.
Achuta: Sri Krishna.
Adhiratha: Karna's foster-father.
Agastya: A sage with mystic powers. He gave Lord Rama the
bow of Lord Vishnu. Pandavas got acquainted with his life story while on
pilgrimage to holy places. His wife Lopamudra was also a great sage.
Agni: The god of fire.
Airavata: Lord Indra's elephant produced when gods and
demons churned the Milk Ocean.
Ajatasatru: Another name for Yudhisthira, meaning "one
who has no enemy."
Akritavrana: A sage, close companion of Parasurama.
Alambasa: A rakshasa friend of Duryodhana who joined his
Kaurava forces but was then forced to flee the battlefield by Satyaki.
Amba: The eldest daughter of the king of Kashi or Varanasi.
Ambalika: The youngest daughter of the king of Kashi.
Ambika: The middle daughter of the king of Kashi.
Amshuman: A king belonging to the sun dynasty, descended
from King Asamanjas.
Anga: Mlechchha king, a Kaurava supporter.
Angiras: A sage and mind-born son of Lord Brahma and one of
the ten progenitors of mankind.
Anila: One of the eight Vasus or heavenly beings,
responsible for creating wind.
Anu: Son of King Yayati by his wife Sharmishtha, a Daitya
(demon) princess.
Apsara: Wives of the heavenly Gandharvas, or angels.
Arjun: The third of the Pandava brothers, born of Lord
Indra, an undefeatable archer. The Bhagavad Gita was spoken to him by Lord
Arka: An ancient king; also synonym of sun god.
Arundhati: Wife of sage Vasishtha, family priest of the
house of Ikshvaku.
Aruni: A devoted disciple of his guru Ayodha-Dhaumya.
Ashtaka: A king of the Puru dynasty descended from Ajamidha.
Ashtavakra: A great scholar. Became a renowned scholar while
still in his teens.
Ashwapati: Lord of the horses. Also the name of many kings.
Ashwatthama: Son of guru Dronacharya and Kripa, and last
supreme commander of the Kaurava force.
Ashwins: The twin gods--youth and handsomeness; physicians
of heaven wo restored the youth of sage Chyavana.
Asita: A sage who denounced gambling and disciple of Vyasa.
Asmaka: A Kaurava warrior who attacked Abhimanyu.
Asumanjas: A king of sun dynasty descended from King Sagara.
Asuras: Demons (atheists); enemies of the gods.
Atreya: Disciple of Vamadeva. He had the power to go from
one planet to another.
Atri: A sage and author of many Vedic hymns, son of Lord
Ayodha-Daumya: A great sage whose disciples were Aruni,
Upamanyu and Veda.
Ayus: The king of the frogs.
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Names from Mahabharata Starting with 'B'
Bhishma: The almost
immortal great grandfather figure of the Mahabharata.
Baladev: Balarama, elder brother of Sri Krishna.
Bakasura: A voracious, cruel and mighty Rakshasa who lived
in a cave near the city of Ekachakrapura. Bhima killed him and relieved the
citizens from constant fear of the demon.
Balarama: Elder brother of Sri Krishna.
Balarama: An avatar or incarnation of Adisesha, the
thousand-hooded serpent on which Lord Vishnu reclines in Vaikuntha.
Bali: A good and virtuous Daitya king, son of Virochana and
grandson of Prahlad.
Bhagadatta: King of Pragjyotisha, a Kaurava ally.
Bhagiratha: King Anshuman’s son who brought the Ganges River
to earth.
Bharadwaja: A sage, son of Brihaspati, father of Drona, the
military preceptor of the Pandavas, father of Yavakrida.
Bharata: Son of King Dushmanta and Shakuntala, he was
partial incarnation of Lord Vishnu.
Bhima: The second Pandava brother who surpassed him in
physical prowess, as he was born of the wind-god, Lord Pavana and Kunti.
Another Bhima is the king of Vidharbha and Damayanti’s father.
Bhishmaka: King of Vidarbha, father of Rukmini and Rukma.
Old grandsire of the Pandavas and the Kauravas, eighth child of King Santanu
and Goddess Ganga, supreme commander of the Kaurava armies. He vowed abstinence
from sexuality so his father could marry Satyavati. He excelled in yielding
arms, the Vedas and Upanishads, the sciences known to Sukra.
Bhrigu: A Vedic sage and a son of Lord Brahma.
Bhuminjaya: Another name of prince Uttara, son of Virata,
who fought the Kauravas with Brihannala as his charioteer.
Bibhatsu: One of Arjuna's names, meaning a hater of unworthy acts.
Brahma: Creator of the universe, one of the Hindu holy
trinity born on a lotus sprung from Lord Vishnu’s navel.
Brihadaswa: A great sage who visited the Pandavas in their
forest hermitage and reminded them of King Nala of Nishadha, who also lost his
kingdom in the game of dice and who deserted his wife Damayanti because of a
curse but ultimately regained both.
Brihadratha: Celebrated commander of three regiments,
reigned over Magadha, married the twin daughters of the King of Kashi or
Varanasi, who shared a mango gifted by sage Kausika and begot half a child
each. A rakshasi recovered the two halves and accidentally it joined to form a
baby, who later became known as Jarasandha.
Brihadyumna: A king, a disciple of sage Raibhya.
Brihannala: Arjuna’s assumed name while living at Virata's
court incognito.
Brihaspati: A son of the Rishi Angiras; great sage and
preceptor of the gods, and father of the sage Bharadwaja.
Brihatbala: A daring warrior who charged at Abhimanyu caught
in the Kaurava army's net, Chakravyuha.
Burishrawa: A prince of the Balhikas and ally of the
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Names from Mahabharata Starting with 'C'
Chyavana: One of the
most important sages of the Hindu scriptures - seen here among other luminaries
seated in front of Sage Shukracharya.
Charachitra: One of the hundred sons of King Dhritarashtra
who died in the battle.
Chitra: One of the hundred sons of Dhritarashtra killed in
the war.
Chitraksha: One of the hundred sons of King Dhritarashtra
who fell in the war.
Chitrasena: King of the Gandharvas who prevented the
Kauravas from putting up their camp near the pond where he himself had
encamped. One of the hundred sons of Dhritarashtra.
Chitrayudha: One of the hundred Kaurava princes, killed in
the war.
Chitravarma: A brother of Duryodhana, one of the hundred
sons of Dhritarashtra who was killed in the war.
Chitrangada: Eldest son of King Shantanu born of
Matsyagandhi (Satyavati), brother of Bhishma. He was killed in early life in
conflict with a Gandharva of the same name. He succeeded his father on the
throne of Hastinapur.
Chyavana: A sage, son of Rishi Bhrigu.
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Names from Mahabharata Starting with 'D'
Damayanti: The
beautiful daughter of King Bhima.
Dadhicha: A sage who donated his bones to the gods who used
them to create a thunderbolt weapon to defeat the demons.
Daksha: Son of Lord Brahma who had many daughters whom he
gave in marriage to Kashyapa, Chandra, Dharma, and Lord Shiva.
Dala: Son of King Parikshit and Queen Sushobhana of the
Ikshvaku dynasty.
Damayanti: Daughter of King Bhima of Vidarbha.
Daruka: Sri Krishna's charioteer.
Dasaratha: King of Ayodhya, Rama's father.
Dattatreya: An incarnation of Lord Krishna; son of sage Atri
and his wife Anasuya. He gave Kartavirya Arjuna one thousand arms.
Devaki: Sri Krishna’s mother and wife of Vasudeva.
Devata: A sage who condemned the game of dice as an evil
form of gambling, as it offered opportunity for deceit and dishonesty and was
not fit for entertainment.
Devavrata: Another name of Bhishma.
Devayani: The beautiful daughter of Sukracharya, wife of
King Yayati. She bore him two sons, Yadu and Turvasu. She fell in love with
Kacha, son of Brihaspati, preceptor of the Devas.
Devendra: King of the Gods.
Dhara: Wife of a Vasu, or god, named Drona.
Dharmagranthi: Nakula’s name when he was in disguise at king
Virata's court.
Dharmananda/ Dharmaraja /Dharmaputra: Names for
Yudhishthira, the son of Dharma or Yama.
Dharmavyadha: A meat-seller, possessed the secret of good life,
lived in the city of Mithila.
Dhananjaya: One of the names of Arjuna.
Dhanusaksha: A great sage whom Medhavi, son of sage Baladhi,
once insulted. He took the form of a bull and butted Medhavi until he fell down
Dhaumya: Preceptor of the Pandavas, who accompanied them
during their exile to the Kurijangala forest, singing Sama hymns addressed to
Yama, Lord of Death.
Dhrishtadyumna: Supreme commander of the Pandava forces,
eldest brother of Draupadi.
Dhrishtaketu: A kinsman of the Pandavas.
Dhritarashtra: Elder son of Vichitravirya and Ambika, born
blind, father of Duryodhana and the hundred Kauravas; brother of Pandu.
Dhartarashtras: Sons of Dhritarashtra.
Dhundhu: A demon who harassed sage Utanka while he was meditating;
he was killed by King Kuvalashva.
Dhundhumara: King Kuvalashva, killer of Dhundhu.
Dilipa: Son of King Anshuman and father of Bhagiratha of the
Ikshvaku or solar dynasty.
Drahyu: Son of King Yayati born from Sharmishtha.
Draupadi: Daughter of King Drupada, King of Panchala. She
married all the five Pandavas, though Arjuna had won her in the Swayamvara,
because of the vow that they would share everything in common.
Dridhasyu: A great scholar and ascetic, son of sage Agastya
and his wife Lopamudra.
Drona: Son of a Brahmana named Bharadwaja; married Kripi and
father of Ashwatthama; learned military art from Parasurama, the maser; taught
military art to the Kaurava and Pandava princes.
Drupada: King of Panchala, father of Draupadi the wife of
the Pandavas; also father of Shikhandi.
Durdhara: One of the hundred sons of Dhritarashtra killed by
Bhima in the war.
Durjaya: Duryodhana’s brother who was sent to attack Bhima
to save Karna's life, but lost his own.
Durmarsha: One of the
hundred sons of Dhritarashtra killed by Bhima.
Durmata: One of the hundred sons of Dhritarashtra killed by
Durmukha: A chariot-borne warrior on the Kaurava side.
Durvasa: A sage known for his irascible temper, curses and
blessings; son of Atri and Anasuya.
Durvishaha: A warrior fighting on the Kaurava side.
Duryodhana: First son of King Dhritarashtra and leader of
Kauravas who illegally wrested the throne from the Pandavas.
Dushkarma: A warrior belonging to the Kaurava side.
Dushmanta: Valiant king of the Lunar race, descended from
Puru; husband of Shakuntala by whom he has a great son, Bharata.
Dushshala: Daughter of King Dhritarashtra.
Dushasana: Duryodhana's brother who dragged Draupadi to the
hall of assembly by her hair and tried to strip her naked but failed, due to
Lord Krishna’s divine intervention.
Dussaha: One of the hundred sons of Dhritarashtra killed by
Dyu: One of the eight Vasus, gods who stole the cow Nandini
from sage Vashishtha. He was reincarnated on earth as the warrior Bhishma.
Dyumatsena: King of Shalva and father of Satyavan, Savitri’s
husband, whose life she saved by following Lord Yama to his abode.
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Names from Mahabharata Starting with 'G'
Goddess Ganga
Ganga: The goddess,
mother of Bhishma. Sacred River Ganges. It flows from the toe of Lord Vishnu
and was brought down to earth by King Bhagiratha.
Gadhi: A king of the Kushika race and father of sage
Ganapati: Vvasa’s scribe who agreed to write down without
pause the complete story of the Mahabharata as dictated by Vyasa.
Gandhari: Daughter of King Subala, Gandhara’s king and King
Dhritarashtra's wife and queen, mother of the Kauravas.
Gandharvas: Celestial beings, specialists in music and
medicine; prepared soma juice for the gods.
Ganga: The goddess, mother of Bhishma. Sacred River Ganga or
Ganges. It flows from the toe of Lord Vishnu and was brought down to earth by
King Bhagiratha.
Gautama: Sage Saradwat, a son of Gotoma, and the husband of
Ghatotkacha: Son of Bhima from demoness Hidimba.
Govinda: Sri Krishna or Vishnu; meaning cowkeeper, referring
to Krishna's occupation as a cowherd in Gokula.
Gritachi: A heavenly nymph who sings and dances.
Guhyaka: A yaksha or member of Kuvera’s court.
Gurnika: A companion of Devayani.
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Names from Mahabharata Starting with 'H'
Hiranyakashipu: A
demon king who was killed by Vishnu in the form of Narasimha.
Haihaya: A prince of the Lunar race, great grandson of King
Hamsa, Hidimbaka, Kamsa: Allies of King Jarasandha; Kamsa
married the two daughters of Jarasandha. He was Krishna's step-uncle, whom
Krishna killed.
Halayudha: Plough-weapon wielder, an epithet of Balarama.
Hanuman: Wise learned monkey god, devotee of Sri Rama. He
possessed extraordinary powers, searched and found Sita in her confinement in
Hari/ Hrishikesha: Sri Krishna.
Hiranyakashipu: A king of the Daitya (demon) race known for
his severe austerities. Lord Vishnu in the form of Narasimha killed him to
protect His devotee Prahlada.
Hiranyavarman: The king of Darsana, whose daughter married
Hotravahana: A saintly king who was Amba’s grandfather.
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