Libra Prediction 2018
Libra is seventh sign of Zodiac. Libra born are educated and
learned. Their mind is very active and they are generally day-dreamer. They are
logical in their approach. They may not get help of their friends at the time
of need. They are better known for their sense of justice. Saturn and Mercury are considered to give
favorable results for them.
Here are general predictions for Libra born for 2018 based
up on the Moon Sign and transit of other planets during the year. Specific
predictions depend upon the placement and strength of planets present in the
natal chart of an individual. Mahadasha and Antardasha period of particular
planet in the chart also decide important events, bad or good, in this time
frame. These predictions will work as
guidance for the natives born with Libra as their Moon Sign including
recommendations, precautions and few remedies to be taken in case you are
running adverse time during the year 2018.
At the beginning of year 2018, Jupiter will be transiting in
Ascendant in Libra and will move to next house on 11th October 2018. Saturn
will be transiting in third house in Sagittarius throughout the year. Rahu and
Ketu will be transiting tenth and fourth house in Cancer and Capricorn
Family Life Horoscope 2018 for Libra born
Start of the year may not be considered favorable for family
life. Relations with family members may not be cordial due to your aggressive
attitude. Hot and unnecessary arguments may spoil the sweetness of the
relations. Months of March and April will bring some relief. Intervention of
some closed one will be helpful. But you may not be able to keep the relations
normal again and family life may remain disturbed most of the time during the
year. Circumstances may force you to
live separately from family. Months of November and December may be considered
to give positive results for family life. You may have inclination towards
religious activities. Key of success in
the matters related to family is to remain cool.
Married life Horoscope 2018 for Libra born
Married life may also remain disturbed in the beginning of
the year. Mid second half is also not favorable. You may have little interest
in married life most of the time.
Relations with the spouse may not be stable.
Love Life Horoscope 2018 for Libra born
So far as love life is concerned, this year may not be
considered to give auspicious results for those who are born with Libra as
their Moon Sign. Unnecessary and hot arguments should be avoided to evade
misunderstandings in the relations. Be
careful while expressing yourself as you can be mistaken. If you want to
propose for marriage chose November and December for this purpose.
Professional or Business Horoscope 2018 for Libra born
This period may prove to be favorable for those who are
seeking employment or betterment in the professional life. Relations with the
senior authorities will be normal but you will be able to get the support from
your subordinates. Judging your performance, you may also be assigned with new
responsibilities at your workplace which you will be able to accomplish with
confidence. Months of November and
December 2018 may prove to be more promising in the matters related to career.
Businessmen should be careful while dealing with their
partners. Careful planning is needed this year. Unnecessary misunderstandings
may develop in the relations. Months of March and April may give positive
Money Matter Horoscope 2018 for Libra born
Financial position will be generally satisfactory if you
keep control on incurring heavy expenses on unnecessary items particularly
during beginning of the year. There is possibility of increase in the flow of
money which will keep happy and full of confidence. You will enjoy the worldly
comforts and luxuries. You may also be planning to launch some new projects for
higher profits during this year.
Health Horoscope 2018 for Libra born
Health will be generally good most of the time during the
year. During mid of the year, you need to take care of diseases related to
blood pressure. Ailment of ear or pain in shoulders cannot be ruled out.
Beginning two months of the year may keep you restless and agitated. Though
rivals will be active to annoy you but you will manage to handle them
Education Horoscope 2018 for Libra born
Students need to work harder this year. They may face
difficulties but by virtue of hard work they will be able to achieve their
goals. Company of unwanted persons should be avoided after mid of the year.
Last two months of the year viz. November and December 2018 may give more
auspicious results.
Saturn (transit) effect on Moon Sign Libra:
You are running last phase of sadhe sati. Bad effect of
Saturn has almost completed. Coming transit of Saturn in Sagittarius will prove
to be auspicious. You will be able to solve the pending issues and will remain
Lucky Gem
Diamond or Opal
Worship Lord Vishnu and serve the cows.
Precautions: You
should be careful in the beginning months of the year. Month of May and June
may cause health problems to mother.
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