Pisces Prediction 2018
Pisces is the 12th and last sign of our Zodiac System.
Pisces born are kind hearted, emotional, helpful and learned. Due to lack of proper determination, they may
face problems in taking right decisions in life. They may also suffer from mood
swinging. Moon and its placement in the chart is considered most important in
their charts.
Here are general predictions for Pisces born for 2018 based
up on the Moon Sign and transit of other planets during the year. Specific
predictions depend upon the placement and strength of planets present in the
natal chart of an individual. Mahadasha and Antardasha period of particular
planet in the chart also decide important events, bad or good, in this time
frame. These predictions will work as
guidance for the natives born with Pisces as their Moon Sign including
recommendations, precautions and few remedies to be taken in case you are
running adverse time during the year 2018.
At the beginning of year 2018, Jupiter will be transiting in
the eighth house in Libra. Jupiter will move to next sign on 11th October 2018.
Saturn will be transiting in your tenth house in Sagittarius throughout the
year. Rahu and Ketu will be transiting
your fifth and eleventh house in Cancer and Capricorn signs respectively.
Family Life Horoscope 2018 for Pisces born
Family life will be generally average. In the beginning of
the year you will find positivity and harmonious relations with family members.
But in spite of support from family members you may not feel satisfied. You may
feel desperate, disappointed and neglected unnecessarily with little interest
in family matters. Other factors in life will create obstacles which may keep
you stressed. Transit of Jupiter is not favorable. Friend circle may also
remain indifferent. Overall, this period will be stressful on one or another
account. Last two months of the year may bring some respite and you may feel
relieved but health may remain an issue this year.
Married life Horoscope 2018 for Pisces born
Married life will remain satisfactory and cooperation of
spouse will be available. You need to be careful of your aggressive attitude.
Health issues may also cause problems in married life. You may not take much
interest in married life and may remain unresponsive due to adverse
circumstances around you. Problems at professional front may also affect
married life relations. Months of November and December are considered
favorable for conjugal life.
Love Life Horoscope 2018 for Pisces born
This is an average period for lovers. They need to be careful
while making dialogue with each other as even small issue can take ugly turn
and may cause break up in the relations. You need to pay attention to keep the
relations survive as your indifferent attitude may spoil the relations. Keeping
calm during last two months of the year may give positive results.
Professional or Business Horoscope 2018 Pisces born
Transit of main planets is not favorable for professional
life. Hard work at workplace may not yield desirable results and you may feel
negativity due to circumstances around you. Seniors may not be happy with your
performance. You also need to be careful of the colleagues who may be trying to
create obstacles in your growth. Government authorities may not listen to you.
There is also possibility of transfer at some unwanted place. Fear of loss of
job may keep you stressed. All these unfavorable circumstances may affect
health issues too.
Money Matter Horoscope 2018 Pisces born
This year is not a good period for financial matters. Take
care of your valuables as there is possibility of loss of money due to theft or
burglary. This is not the proper time to initiate any new project. Not a
favorable time to invest in properties. From May onward you may start feeling
some relief in your financial matters but expenditures may remain too high in
the months of November and December.
Health Horoscope 2018 for Pisces born
Worries and obstacles may not allow you enjoy the pleasures
of good health. Ill health and fatigue due to over indulgence in work may keep
you stressed. Also be aware of injuries during last months of the year.
Diseases related to liver may affect you. Unknown fear may surround you.
Unnecessary travelling should be avoided this year. Also take care of your
father’s health.
Education Horoscope 2018 for Pisces born
This year is also not much favorable for students. You may
feel lack of concentration and hard work may not yield the desirable results.
Unnecessary obstacles and worries may spoil focus on studies. Those who are
seeking higher education or are appearing in competitive examinations may also
face undesirable obstacles.
Saturn (transit) effect on Moon Sign Pisces:
Saturn transit is not favorable and you may face lot of
unnecessary obstacles which may keep you worried most of the time during the
year. Atmosphere at workplace may also be the cause of annoyance. Higher
expenditures and ill health will be the result of Saturn transit.
Lucky Gem
Yellow Sapphire
Worship Lord Vishnu and keep a yellow-colored handkerchief
in your pocket. Serve Brahmins and elders.
Precautions: You should be careful about your health and
money matters during the year.
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